to Jennifer Renae Roa

the English language professor at Conner High School, Hebron, KY, USA,
for the successful cooperation with the Primary school of Podravske Sesvete
and developing friendship and intercultural human relations between our students
and as the remembrance of the old homeland Croatia.

U znak zahvalnosti za razvijanje prijateljstva i međuljudskih odnosa, te za sjećanje na staru Domovinu Hrvatsku,
prof. Jennifer Renae Roa,
PŠ Podravske Sesvete
je dodijelila simbolično Priznanje.

      Zahvaljujući našim Internet stranicama
(prva postava stranica 1998.) postali smo poznati i traženi u svijetu. Nakon što nas je prošle godine posjetio Nelio iz Brazila nije trebalo mnogo vremena da dobijemo pismo iz USA u kojem nas Jennifer Renae Roa moli da joj pomognemo u traženju njenih predaka koji su pred više od 100 godina živjeli u P.Sesvetama. Podatke o njenom pradjedu Ivanu Haluseku rođ. 1882. godine smo pronašli bez većih problema.

Pošto je ona prof. engleskog jezika na Conner High School u USA, počela je međusobna razmjena pisama naših i njihovih učenika. Tako smo mi nešto saznali o životu u Americi te radu njihove škole.
Ako želite saznati nešto više o njihovoj školi otiđite na ove adrese:

Ako želite pročitati što nam pišu naši prijatelji, naučiti engleski i saznati nešto zanimljivog možete pisma skinuti ovdje: The letters from USA ,  a naše odgovore ovdje: The letters for USA.

A sada za kraj evo nekoliko izvadaka iz pisama Jennifer Renae Roa, profesorice engleskog jezika na Conner High School, Hebron, Ky, USA, koja po pradjedu vuče porijeklo iz Podravskih Sesveta (Ivan Halusek)
      I made a reporter for the Kentucky Enquirer newspaper aware of our communication and my students letters to your school . . . and they are sending a reporter to our school next Tuesday to do an article about it.  They too were shocked that somebody so far away is kind enough to help my family--and put up with my constant emails! They are also interested in my multicultural literature unit . . . the kids are happy to be in the newspaper and anxiously await more emails from Podravske Sesvete.  I will send you a copy.  The Kentucky Enquirer is a BIG newspaper in our state!
      My students really liked your letter and they say you are a good and sweet man.  Cesar was very excited that you addressed him in the letter. He would like to write more even though he is not getting a grade for it!  He does well in school even though he has a baby to care for.  About 4 or 5 of my students have children of their own and they are only 16. 
     Do many teenagers in Croatia have babies?  It is not something we encourage, but we are happy that the students are still pursuing their education despite the responsibilities of having a child.  I always tell my students that education is the greatest privilege.  Some complain because they must attend school, but I say to them, "What is the first thing oppressors take away from people when they want to control or break them?--Education! So, do not be your own oppressor!" 
     Some of my students wrote to you that I was funny--but I really do NOT do hand stands on my desk as Giuliana wrote!  I just tell jokes--quick and witty, I know no humility. Last week I received an award for teacher of the year (I was shocked because it is only my 2nd year at this school).  This was from student votes. They said it was because I am so funny.  I said why teacher of the year, I should be entertainer of the year and make much more money!  Trying to write to you a little in your own language really makes me feellike I am reaching across borders to shake your hand and thank you